Are you the product manager you want to be?
PM Daisy is a visual framework for evaluating your product manager responsibilities.
Has already helped thousands of PMs get valuable insights about their careers.
My fellow Product Manager,
I hope you are having a good day and that you feel happy and energized by your work. I hope that you can see your future career path clearly and that you do not feel like you are doing something you’d rather not be doing. I hope you are doing the thing you love.
If you are, I’m really happy for you and you can stop reading now!
If you are having doubts, however, and think something is wrong with what you do at your current job, and you think you’d like to redefine the scope of your responsibilities, then I invite you to do this:
Step 1: read the background story and understand the framework – 6 min.
Step 2: fill out the form – 2 min.
Step 3: Check your email: you’ll get your PM Daisy – a graphical representation of your responsibilities according to the framework.
Step 4: Reflect on it, look for insights, and see if you are where you want to be at this point in your career.
PM Daisy helps you assess your job through two dimensions:
Dimension 1: Breadth
Each paddle represents a workstream.
Dimension 2: Depth
Section coloring represents the level of your involvement in each area.
Dimension 1 – Breadth: each paddle represents a workstream.
Dimension 2 – Depth: section coloring shows the level of your personal involvement in each area.
On the resulting PMDaisy, you’ll clearly see how wide your job responsibilities are and how deeply you are involved in each workstream.
Seeing everything as one image will help you realize if you like the picture. It may bring you peace of mind or generate a call to action.
As of October 19th, 2020,
2358 people generated 2611 PMDaisies.
Daises came in many different shapes and colors:
People are saying:
“I am using that as a stepping stone to assess the type of work I love doing, versus what I am doing now. Thanks a ton for this. Really appreciate it.”
“It is helping me find my passion areas and to refocus on my strengths to be at the right place.”
“Main insight for now seems that the daisy side of things actually looks great for me. This really does help the introspective, thank you very much indeed.”
“Thank you for helping me audit my skills. I was a little lost trying to identify what areas I should be more hands on to grow and learn.”
“Love it! This can also be used a career growth tool. I plan to revisit this ever few months to see if I've made progress in the areas I want to grow in.”
“This is a fantastic framework to better inform yourself to make those responsibilities and feelings visible as well as evaluate future opportunities 👏 Thanks again!”
Join the crowd. Get clarity over your PM career.
Meet the creator.
Julia Nechaieva has been in Product Development and Management for 12 years, 9 of them as a People Manager.
She has launched and grown large-scale B2B2C products in industries such as voice AI, fintech, entertainment, event ticketing, online search, and online gaming always building high performing and engaged teams. She believes in achieving success by aligning individuals’ values with business KPIs.
Julia holds an MBA from UC Berkeley Haas and is currently with YouTube as a PM Lead for Creation Tools at YouTube Live.